Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Beautiful Bridal Tips


The stresses and strains of organising your big day can take its toll on your skin. If you’ve got three months or more before your wedding, book yourself into a salon for a series of facials at monthly intervals. This may seem extreme but the cleansing and purifying results of a good facial will make a real difference to the radiance of your skin on the day. I recommend finding a salon that uses Elemis products as these feel fantastic and the results are instantly noticeable. If you’ve got less than two months I wouldn’t risk a facial just in case the impurities drawn out of the skin cause a break out. Instead concentrate on gentle exfoliation and hydrating masks which can be done at home or in a salon.

Make Up

Finding someone you trust to do your wedding make up can be a nightmare. If possible find a professional make up artist. Some salons offer Bridal Make Up but the standard is not always great, the cosmetics can be of poor quality and the application a little heavy. I always recommend to clients a natural, flawless look rather than fully made up – less is definitely more on your wedding day. Creams, browns and nudes give a much more complimentary feel to the dress and will enhance your natural appearance for the photographs. Always arrange a trial where you can discuss the look you’re after and see the results. Take along a couple of visuals of how you’d like your make up to look. I advise that you go to the trial wearing your normal make up so the artist can see how you generally wear it and can adapt the look to suit you. If you’re used to wearing very natural, light make up it will feel very uncomfortable if the artist trowels it on for the day and vice versa. Remember the trial is to set your mind at ease and for the artist to get to know your face. Don’t be afraid to say what you’d like to change or what you’re not happy with. Where possible suggest the mother of the bride and bridesmaids also get their make up professionally applied. It can sometimes look odd if the brides face is flawless and everyone else looks less so, ensure though that the artist makes the bridesmaids look different to the bride but complimentary. The make up on the day should take around an hour per person so make sure you leave enough time. Having an artist there is often a relaxing and fun start to your special day.


Don’t forget about the rest of your body; it, too, will be on display. The week before the wedding book in for a full body exfoliation to ensure silky smooth skin. A wrap can also shed last minute inches and leave you’re skin feeling noticeably softer and firmer. Consider having a spray tan if you’re looking a little pale. You’ll look healthier and slimmer in the photographs – but make sure it’s just a subtle hint of colour, orange is not a good look. On the day slather on a hydrating, shimmery moisturiser to intensify the look of healthy skin. But please take care when getting into your dress – make sure the moisturiser has completely soaked in before dressing. Follow these hints and tips and you’ll feel as fabulous as you look on your wedding day.

Source : http://www.healthandbeautymk.co.uk/beauty.html

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